Schedule of Meditation & Annual Events 

(also see Calendar )

Winter  Meditation on Zoom  (Jan-March)

Sunday, 9-10 am 

MBZ offers a weekly online opportunity to come together for 25 minutes of meditation, a short talk, and discussion. Each session lasts an hour and is open to all. The session opens 15 minutes beforehand. 

Zoom link 

Sunday Morning Meditation (April-Dec) 

9 :00 am    Sitting meditation

9:30           Stretch break

9:35           Sitting meditation

10:00         Walking meditation

10:00         Talk or reading & discussion

10:20          Chanting

10:30          Introductions & Tea on the Porch

Last Sunday of the Month

Meditation 9-10 am

Work Session 10-11 am

The sangha member leading the meditation for the morning will be at the Zendo at 8:45 am to offer instruction or to help anyone who is coming for the first time. You are welcome to come and go on the half hour. Beginners without prior meditation experience are always welcome.  

The cushions and chairs are spaced 6 feet apart and some windows are open for ventilation. Please dress accordingly as the Zendo may be cool. 

We have traditional cushions, kneeling benches, and chairs available. You may bring your own cushion or bench if you prefer. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Please e-mail beforehand if you have questions. There is no fee for attendance at the regular weekly meditation periods. Donations, however, are always appreciated.

Please note: 

Masks are not required in the zendo but we encourage anyone to stay home who has any symptoms of illness. 

Welcome to the Zendo

Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra

Four  Great Vows & Three Refuges

Jiki schedule (not public)

Please see the calendar for other meditation times, special events, and retreats.


Retreats are planned throughout the year and you will find information on the Retreats & Workshops page.


Buddha's Birthday is celebrated on the first Sunday in May, beginning with an hour of silent meditation in the Zendo 9-10 am. At 10 am we gather on the lawn for a procession followed by a ceremony and potluck brunch in the Meeting Hall. This festival is a time for children to feel especially welcome at the Zendo.

A Memorial Service, held annually in November, takes place at 10:00 am in the apple orchard below the meeting hall, followed by a gathering in the meeting hall for tea and apple cakes. The short service is in remembrance of those who have passed away during the previous year or at anytime. Families are welcome.

Rohatsu is the celebration of Buddha's enlightenment and our own effort toward clarity and compassion in our lives. It begins December 1, 7-8 pm. Meditation sessions continue through the week 7-8 am and 7-8 pm daily, ending on the morning of December 8 with meditation 7-8 am. Each meditation session consists of two 25-minute periods of meditation with a short break on the half hour. 

Anyone is welcome to participate anytime. Additionally, sangha members may sit during the day on their own schedule and may sleep in the zendo overnight. Please email if you plan to do either.

The New Year's Day celebration is an annual Zendo event that gathers families, members and friends for meditation 10-11 am in the Zendo followed by a potluck brunch in the Meeting Hall, with fruit and beverages provided. Bring some food to share if you like as well as your own cup, bowl or plate, and utensils. Please join us in celebrating the New Year. Children are particularly welcome. 

The Zendo is closed from the end of Rohatsu on December 8 until the New Year's Day celebration on January 1. Sunday meditation resumes in person in April. Please check the website and calendar for details. 

The Morgan Bay Zendo 

532 Morgan Bay Road 

Surry, Maine 04684

Copyright 2024 Morgan Bay Zendo. All rights reserved.